April 2020
New Store Hours for the Next Few Months
Our store hours are changing
- Mon to Fri – Noon to 4pm
- Saturday – 9am to 4pm
- Sunday – Noon to 4pm
You can rely on Terra Depot to provide the highest quality of wild bird seed and supplies and we will keep your feeders full. Thank you and know we will be full steam ahead when normal business returns.
New Delivery Service at Terra Depot
If you cant make it into the shop, we will deliver! Order your wild bird seed, suet, feeders or supplies over the phone. With a minimum order of $50 and a basic delivery fee, we can deliver right to your door. Call 330-988-0304 to make arrangements. Deliveries are scheduled for Wed and Friday mornings
and late afternoons – 9 am to Noon and 4 to 6 pm.
Think of it as door dash for your feathered friends!
Hummingbird Seminar is Canceled
The planned March 31st seminar “Create a Hummingbird Haven in Your Garden” at Sippo Lake Park has been cancelled. However… we will help you get ready for hummingbird season! Our presenter, Rob Symes has prepared a wonderful list of tips:
Pay your taxes and put out your hummingbird feeders! Hummingbirds always return to our area by May 1, but if we have a warming trend in mid-April they may be back as early as April 15th. Often they are here before nectar producing flowers bloom, so feeding them early lets them know they are
welcome for the rest of the season. Mount your feeder in your preferred viewing area. They are small and quick, so bring them in close for maximum enjoyment. If you plant flowers nearby, that will also help to attract them. Adult males are often aggressive at the feeder, defending it for their sole use. Try a second feeder out of line of sight from the first so that the male can’t dominant both feeders, and less dominate birds like females and young will get their chance.
Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. If your feeder is clear or some other color, try attaching a red ribbon to make it more appealing. The proper formula for hummingbird nectar is 4 parts water to 1 part sugar. Mix your own or use pre-mixed formulas. Sugar, water, and warmth are certain to lead to spoilage when hanging outside. If you want to be successful, it is critical that you clean your feeders and refill with fresh nectar regularly. At
least once a week in cool weather, every other day, or even daily in extreme summer heat.
Continue filling your feeders through at least mid-September. Birds that spent the summer in your backyard may be gone by then but birds migrating from farther north may still stop for a quick energy boost. You will not interfere with their migration schedule by leaving feeders out too late. Just be sure you take them down in time to avoid frost damage. Hummingbird nests generally include spider webs and lichens in their construction, but they will use other fibers–like small snippets of yarn or twine if you provide them. Watch where they go when transporting these offerings and you may be able to discover a hummingbird nest site.
Terra Depot has everything you need – lovely hummingbird feeders, dry and liquid nectar mixes, and nesting material. Be ready to welcome spring and these little beauties to your garden.