Good News. Bad News.
January 1, 2022
Good News.
Because of the generosity of our customers, Terra Depot met our goal of donating over $2,500 to the Midwest Food Bank to assist in the recovery efforts after the devastating tornado that hit Kentucky back in November. Some of our customers made direct contributions as well. The food bank called to thank me personally. They had recognized a significant uptick in donations specifically from North Canton! Here is a LINK to their write-up about Terra Depot and some of our customers!
Bad News.
This is the news that is difficult to share. After 3 full years at the Depot on Portage Street, our negotiation to finalize the purchase of the building fell through at the last minute leaving no choice but to close up shop.
Since our opening in March of 2019, we have felt your support every step of the way as we weathered the Covid Pandemic, last summer’s bird disease panic, and now, sky-rocketing inflation and supply chain shortages.
I have always loved nature, gardening, and being outdoors. I love filling the feeders, identifying new visitors, finding nests in the woods, and watching the swallows dive bomb for bugs in the summer dusk. Chickadees are my favorite, but then again maybe owls, maybe the finch that built a delicate grass nest in my pear tree last summer. Many of you have seen the fragile hummingbird nest on display at the counter. My Dad found that for me and I have treasured it for over 25 years. I loved sharing these experiences with you and I have loved hearing about your delightful stories.
The “gut punch” of bad news came last week notifying me that a deadline had been missed in our otherwise very casual relationship with the guy who owns the depot. At the same time, I received notice that seed costs increased again (3x in the last 12 months) and fuel surcharges for deliveries increased across the board.
I have had to quickly shift gears. Part of that shifting has been to notify our many wonderful suppliers. As I called one supplier to cancel a pending spring order, he stopped me midsentence to say a prayer for me, to ask for discernment and wisdom as I navigate this next chapter. I choked up at his kindness.
I have been so grateful to work with Cheryl Rockhill. Cheryl comes to work every day with the most helpful and pleasant attitude and has enjoyed the friendship of so many of our customers. Thank you Cheryl from the bottom of my heart!
So now I’m heading back home to our farm just north of Navarre. My husband, Warren, and I will continue to grow our red raspberries and blueberries and make our delicious jams. The concrete statuary will be moved to our farm. I will continue the custom painting. I don’t have other plans figured out yet, but when I do, you will be the first to know.
Thank you for your kind words and your support of Terra Depot. It has been wonderful to have your friendship and I will be delighted to have you visit us out in the country! Let’s stay in touch.
Terra Depot Will be closed on Feb 25.
We will have all winter seasonal merchandise discounted 50%. Bird Feeders, birdhouses, and all our wonderful accessories and supplies will start with a 30% discount. Please note gift certificates must be redeemed prior to our closing date. All sales are final.
Seed and suet supplies are not discounted. Our jam will not be discounted.