Memorial Day Newsletter 2023
May 24, 2023
To celebrate Memorial Day and take advantage of this spring planting season
30% OFF!
Terra Depot is having a weekend sale of all our native perennials, shrubs and trees.
Native plants provide shade, cover, nesting sites for songbirds, produce seed, pollen, nectar and are hosts to the beneficial insects that songbirds and other wildlife depend to feed their young.
90% of a baby bird’s diet consists of the protein from caterpillars, spiders and other insects they are fed in the nest!
We have an amazing selection of milkweed, asters, goldenrods, oak trees, river birch, viburnums, chokeberry, even paw-paw trees! How ‘bout planting a paw-paw for your paw-paw? (Father’s day is right around the corner!)
Restore your yard to give year round and migratory songbirds the habitat they need to thrive!
Concrete Painting Workshop
Sign up to join us this Saturday Morning — May 27, – 9 am to noon
I will teach you my method of painting concrete statuary. We have all the supplies needed to create your own masterpiece. Make your bigfoot look like the real ones, age an angel to look like it was carved from stone or made from terra cotta clay. Select any statue from our collection and have it ready to be front and center in your garden in just a few hours!
Call the shop at 330-417-6257 to register. There is a workshop fee of $45.00 in addition to the cost of the concrete piece.
Seasonal Hours
Terra Depot is open every Thursday and Friday 10 to 4; Saturday 9 to 4 and Sunday noon to 4.
Terra Depot – Cool Stuff for the Nature Lover
The best wildbird seed, feeders, bird baths, pole systems, baffles, windchimes, healthy native plants, statuary and beautiful gifts for Home and Garden