Terra Depot News
November 1, 2022
Reveille Soldier – Attention all Veterans!
Thank you for your service and thank you for being a loyal Terra Depot customer.
This Veterans Day Weekend, all veterans will get a 15% discount on anything in the shop. Have you been wishing for your very own big foot statue? A large platform feeder with a squirrel baffle for the post? Need a 50 lb bag of our delicious Cardinal Chickadee blend? Yep – just for you – 15% off!! Maybe now is the time to think about buying our 600lb hand painted bald eagle statue…..
November 11, 12 and 13 15% discount for all veterans for anything in the shop!
Our House Blend How much do your birds like the seed from Terra Depot? Our House Blend Supreme has the right combination of all the best seeds with no fillers. It’s the perfect recipe to please all the songbirds that call NE Ohio home for the winter. Black oil sunflower, grey striped sunflower, peanuts, safflower, and white proso millet (loved by ground feeders) are all freshly blended to our specifications. This tried and true recipe comes in 20 or 40 lbs bags and is competitively priced. The seed flows very easily in tube or hopper feeders. It is also great for platform feeders.
Holiday Shopping for Cool Stuff for the Nature Lover
Terra Depot’s mission is to provide “Cool Stuff for the Nature Lover”. This means Terra Depot has an incredible selection of gifts for the nature lover in your life. Need a holiday hostess gift? We have candles, wind chimes or linen tea towels. Gift for Dad? How ‘bout a Squirrel Buster feeder? New neighbors? Treat them to a gift basket featuring Terra Depot Red Raspberry Jam and a Seed wreath for their new front door! Gift for the grandkids – something that doesn’t plug in and gets them outside? What better way to introduce the lifelong love of nature than their very own feeder and bird ID book! We have something for everyone on your list. Meaningful gifts, many made right here in the US, meant to last and bring joy.
Our Holiday Schedule – A Continual Open House.
Supporting local businesses is on a lot of folks minds. Terra Depot is local and certainly small. But most of all, we are very appreciative of your support, no matter what the season. To make holiday shopping special this season, we are going to make every weekend an open house! Stop in to enjoy Cheryl’s homemade vanilla cupcakes with raspberry filling, my molasses cookies and of course, raspberry thumbprint cookies. We will have coffee and cider. Browse, chat, shop, relax! We are decorated, and fully stocked and all we need is you! Bring a friend, share on Facebook (theterradepot) and help us spread the word.
The Great PNW (the great Pacific North West)
Some of you may know about my other job. I conduct food safety audits at produce farm operations around the country. I just got back from 3 weeks of work in central Washington State where the majority of the nation’s apples, pears and sweet cherries are grown up and down the Columbia River basin. Apple and pear harvest is just winding up. The farmers I meet doing this job are incredibly hard-working folks and boy do they grow some delicious produce! I was absolutely taken in by the beauty of the area. With such spectacular scenery of high desert county, the Wenatchee National Forest and the 50-mile-long Lake Chelan, it is a must-see area of places to visit.
Everybody have you heard…
At the feeder today – red-bellied woodpecker, tufted titmouse, chickadee, finch, cardinal and a mockingbird on the windowsill! Click the link and listen to its calls!! ….I’m gonna buy you a mockingbird…and if that mockingbird don’t sing…..
Plans for 2023
My guiding word for the upcoming year will be stewardship – responsible care and nurturing of something – usually refers to the environment and nature. Stewardship of our little slice of heaven means less mowing, more planting and gardening. Stewardship also impacts my plans for Terra Depot – as I seek out the highest quality, made-in-the-US products for our customers. I want to be a resource for our customers. I want to encourage all of you to enjoy and care for the beautiful nature that surrounds us.
From my family and Cheryl’s family, our prayer for all of you is for a Healthy, Peaceful and Happy Holiday.